Happy Thanksgiving from North Star!

Thank you for all of the ways that you continue to support North Star – not just by sending your son over the summer, but by referring your friends and family as well. We are thankful for all of the summers that your son has spent with us, and for all of the summers he will continue to spend with us in the future. We know that the Summer of 2012 is going to be a great one! If you haven’t yet reserved you spot, you can do so by completing the Online Registration.
The November Siren is now online!
While you are recovering from your turkey coma, we hope that you will take a minute to Read the November Siren. In there details all of the excitement from November, including a whirlwind reunion tour around the country and news of the newest Lebby. There you can also read a ton of camper and staff news, and see all of the great campers who will be there for the Summer of 2012!
We hope that you have a fantastic Thanksgiving. Thanks again for choosing to be part of the North Star family!
Happy Thanksgiving!