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We’ll Remember All We’ve Known…
’Bout Our North Star Home

Whether you spent one summer or ten summers at North Star Camp, everyone who has passed through the North Star Camp arches is an important part of our history and worldwide community. We hope that perusing the website has brought back happy memories from your time at camp.

SAVE THE DATE: North Star’s 80th Alumni Reunion – August 2024

We hope all, All, ALL alums will be able to join us from Thursday, August 22, 2024 – Sunday, August 25, 2024 as we celebrate 80 summers of North Star!

Attendees from North Star’s 75th Alumni Reunion in 2019.

Registration is NOW OPEN for the 80th Alumni Reunion. To register:

  • Go to your CampInTouch Account and use your login email
  • Click on the Forms tab.
  • Click on the 80th Year Alumni Reunion Registration form to complete the form.
*All Proceeds Benefit the Camp for All Kids Foundation (the Scholarship Fund)*

Alumni Who Will Be Present and Accounted For at the 80th Reunion 

Tom Adler, Ben Albert, Brian Annen, Josh Atlas, Jim Berger, Bruce Berman, Michael Blumberg, Robyn Boehm, Randal Braun, Sam Bricker, Jacob Byck, Noah Byck, Mike Cohen, Brad Coven, Michael Eichner, David Felsenthal, Allen Fishel, David Fishel, Mark Fishel, Rick Fishel, Steven Fishel, Brian Glickman, David Golin, Brad Holland, Randy Holzberger, Mike Jay, Micah Jona, Nick Kasle, Jon Kohl, Robert Lebby, Sue Lebby, Brian Levy, Dan Lichtenstein, Joe Loundy, Michael Mellon, Joe Mendes, Michael Milder, Paul Nathanson, Rick Ngo, Jason Olt, Andrew Perlmutter, Andy Peterman, Tom Peterman, Edward Reiff, Joel Richman, Stephen Richman, Oliver Rockman, Andy Rodheim, Cary Rosenthal, Jonathan Schack, Jordan Schack, Howard Schneider, Tim Schroer, Jay Schwartz, Matt Seidler, Michael Seidler, Paul Shefcyk, Ruth Shefcyk, Ben Sher, Jon Sherman, Andy Shlensky, Jami Shlensky, Elliot Siegel, Jimmy Silbermann, Jack “Abu” Silverstein, Beth Sosler, Gary Stern, Matthew Stern, Elliot Stewart, Steve Stollman, Keith Wagner, Ari Weil, Ben Weil, Doug Willson, Jon Wirt, Guy Wolff

Reconnect & Keep In Touch

We love hearing from our alumni! Here are a few ways you can keep in touch with North Star Camp:

  • Update your information so we can contact you about Alumni reunions, Family Camp, and other North Star announcements.
  • Reconnect with old camp friends in the Alumni Facebook group.
  • Find old camp pictures or have exciting news to share? Send us an email.
  • North Star love will not fade away when you’re wearing North Star gear from our camp store!
  • Keep up to date with our blog, The Siren.
  • Follow us on social media:

 Carry On…

Group of campers receiving tennis instruction at North Star Camp in 1957.
A group of campers and counselors from North Star Camp For Boys in 1957 outside of Cabin J2.
Campers and counselors from North Star Camp pose for a cabin shot in 1986.
A North Star Camp counselor catches a fish on Spider Lake in 1948.