Swimming, Snorkeling, Water Polo, & Water Games
With waterfront activities so ingrained in the North Star Camp for Boys program, swimming is essential. With safety as a camp essential, we need to ensure that every camper has the swimming skills to ensure that it is appropriate for them to participate in our water activities. Along with their cabinmates and counselors, each camper will take a camp advanced swim test the day after they arrive at camp. For those guys that need a bit of extra help, we schedule campers into swim lessons to help them refine their strokes and build up their swimming skills. For those campers who are skilled swimmers and wish to further develop their swimming technique, we offer swimming lessons during our instructional project periods.
Of course swimming is much more than lessons. We take advantage of our sandy swim point by offering many activities throughout the day. Water games, blobbing on our trampoline / aqua launch and snorkeling are amongst the many popular activities on a hot summer day. We also offer log rolling, water polo, advanced swim and other electives. During our fifth organized free period, our swim point is open for all campers who can come down and have fun on the blob, the aqua mat and our other water toys.
Part of safety at swim point is ensuring proper supervision. We hire a full host of life guards and always ensure that we are exceeding the American Camp Association’s standards for lifeguard coverage.