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General Daily Schedule At north star Camp for Boys

There truly is no such thing as a typical day at North Star Camp, however, most days follow a similar outline:

  • 8:00 am

    Wake Up Bell

    Good morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip! The big bell in the center of camp rings out to tell us that it’s time to get up, brush your teeth, and get ready for breakfast!

  • 8:15 am


    all, All, ALL campers and staff gather around the flagpole before breakfast for morning announcements.

  • 8:30 am


    Our meals are served family style meaning food is brought to the table and passed around to each person. Campers sit with their counselors and cabinmates and talk about the day ahead or participate in village cheers with other cabins.

  • 9:15 am

    Cabin Cleanup

    After breakfast, everyone goes back to their cabins and makes their bed, sweeps the floors, and tidies up their shelves. You don’t want to disappoint Inspector #26 when she comes around to grade cabin cleanliness later in the day!

  • 9:45 am

    First Period (Instructional)

    After choosing an activity, click on the link below to learn more about it.
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  • 11:05 am

    Second Period (Instructional)

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  • 12:30 pm


  • 1:15 pm

    Rest Period

    Campers and counselors head back to the cabin to lay low for a little bit after lunch. Popular activities during this cabin time are playing card games, Rafter Ball, or writing letters home.

  • 1:45 pm

    Third Period (Instructional)

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  • 3:00 pm

    Cabin Time & Snack

    Everyone heads back to their cabin for a mid-afternoon break. This is a great time to catch up with friends about how their day has been, figure out where to go for Organized Free. We end the time with a healthy snack – usually some fruit.

  • 4:00 pm

    Fourth Period

    Fourth Period varies each day – it may be a Village Activity (activities that entire age groups do together like a massive game of dodgeball), Challenge Games (where one cabin challenges another to an activity or sport), or one of our many Green / White competitions.

  • 5:00 pm

    Fifth Period (Organized Free)

    At lunch, our Program Director will announce activities that will be open during Fifth Period. Campers can choose which activity to attend, and our staff help lead the final structured activity period for the day.

  • 6:15 pm


  • 7:30 pm

    Evening Program

    Our final program period of the day may be an all-camp game like Capture the Flag, North Star Ball, Glenn’s Game, or Predators vs. Prey. Or it could be a campfire, staff skit show, or open mic night. No matter what it is, the day is going to end on a high note!

  • 8:45 pm

    Evening Program Ends

    Time to head back to the cabin and get ready for bed. It’s a good time to take a quick shower and brush your teeth.

  • 9:30 / 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00 pm

    Lights Out

    Lights out times vary by age group. Counselors put the campers to bed by reading a book or telling a story.

A camper looks down as he positions his feet while climbing up the rock wall at North Star Camp for Boys.
Campers celebrate as they stand around a campfire in the woods at North Star Camp for Boys.
A group of boys splash on the "blob", a mat that allows people to stand on water in Spider Lake, at North Star Camp for Boys.

Tuesdays Are Cruiser Days

We follow this schedule six days of the week. Tuesdays, which we call Cruiser Day, are special days that are like our weekends. Each cabin plans their Cruiser Days for themselves. Popular activities are tubing, a slip ‘n slide, a scavenger hunt around camp, disc golf as a cabin, visiting a local resort on the lake, and so much more! Cruiser Day ends with the cabin cooking dinner over the fire, making camp classics like Tinfoil Surprise or Walking Tacos, before ending the meal with delicious desserts like S’mores or Banana Boats!

A camper and staff member watch as a red and pink painted rocket begins to blast off the ground, leaving a trace of smoke during a rocketry activity at North Star Camp for Boys.
Campers practice their hockey stick handling skills during a game of indoor floor hockey at North Star Camp for Boys.
A camper holds up the fish he caught out of Spider Lake at North Star Camp for Boys.
A camper wearing body paint kicks a soccer ball at North Star Camp for Boys.