Important Dates For Summer 2025

Staff Orientation At Camp
Before the campers arrive, all staff members will be required to attend an engaging and fun pre-camp orientation. Pre-Camp Orientation allows all of our staff to learn the North Star Camp values, gain valuable skills to help them succeed over the course of the summer and familiarize themselves with the procedures and policies of camp.
For staff needing additional training (Wilderness First Responder, lifeguard, or program specific training like archery, riflery or climbing), North Star Camp hosts a variety of training before the all-staff Pre-Camp Orientation begins.
Program Specific Training
All staff instructing waterfront activities and all trip leaders who are not lifeguard certified are expected to participate in lifeguard training unless other arrangements have been made. All other staff who are interested in being lifeguard certified are invited to be certified as well.
Travel To Camp
Staff flying to camp will have their airfare booked by North Star Camp or should contact North Star Camp to ensure that their arrival time corresponds with camp’s shuttle from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport to camp.