Da Bears
When you receive a letter home talking about how your son saw a bear, or they start telling a story when they get home about how there were bears walking around camp, that’s because it’s true. The black bears that we have up here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin generally want nothing to do with people. They’re just loitering around looking for food and in search of sweet smells. So while they are generally harmless and actually pretty cute to look at, we’d prefer they stay away. The presence of bears prompted us to ask again for candy, food, and Crystal Light packets that the boys had in the cabins, and lo and behold, a fair bit was quickly turned in.
Since we can safely assume that our boys weren’t doing a lot of grocery shopping on their own prior to camp, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you as parents that we ask for your partnership in supporting our camp policies and help set our staff up for success. Our counselors work very hard to take great care of your kids and confiscating their contraband is neither something that they enjoy doing nor is it something that helps facilitate a strong relationship with your son.

The bear may have walked in tonight because of the delicious smells coming from the College Days cookoff. The final event each year of the 3-day College Days is a campfire cooking competition that has each team create an appetizer, entree and dessert to be judged by a panel of culinary experts. Apparently the scores were so close going into this evening that the outcome of College Days may rest on the winner of the cooking competition. Today the senior boys participated in football, leg wrestling, an outdoor skills race, tennis, floor hockey, tug-of-war, cheer writing, plaque making and created their own human mascots. It was a great final day of what has been an action-packed and fun series of events.
While the seniors have caught up in College Days, the Juniors and Intermediates have seen their trip schedules go into full swing. I-3 returned today from their canoe trip on the Lower Flambeau River. We have 4 more trips returning tomorrow: J-4 from the Nam/St. Croix, J-6 from the St. Croix, I-5 from the Lower Flam and I-6 from the Superior Hiking Trail. Tomorrow we will see cabins S-3 and S-4 take off on their hiking trips as well.
Today’s Grace:
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
– Dalai Lama
Be seated.