Staff Spotlight: Andrea Evans
Andrea grew up in Syracuse NY, but moved to Chicago three years ago and is loving it! She has a degree in Psychology and hopes to eventually work with children and families in a hospital setting. She is currently nannying for two of the coolest kids in the world, who will also be at camp this summer.
More about Andrea
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?
The kids I nanny for are the children of Kia Beickert, a Child Therapist who will be working at camp this summer. When she was offered the job, I not-so-subtly offered to tag along and watch the boys there… and it is happening!
If you wrote an autobiography, what would the title be?
“Can I Pet Your Dog? An Autobiography”
If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
I would love to have witnessed the moon landing.
What is your dream vacation:
I would love to visit Thailand some day!
If you had a super hero power, what would it be:
The ability to read minds
What noteworthy/random/menial jobs have you held?
I spent a summer painting dorm rooms in college, nannied for a family with seven boys under the age of ten, and worked as a 1:1 aide for a preschooler with behavioral issues.
What TV show or movie are you ashamed to admit that you love?
I have watched “The Lord of the Rings” an embarrassing amount of times.
What did you do last summer?
I worked, volunteered at a local hospital, and spent as much time with family and friends as possible.
What is a little Known fact about yourself:
I took a gap year with a volunteer program in between high school and college, and mentored underprivileged middle school girls in Dallas TX.
What, if any previous camp/outdoor experiences have you had?
I went on a lot of family camping trips as a kid, and a few as an adult. I worked as a camp counselor for a girls camp three years in a row, and love the enthusiasm and sense of community in the camp setting!