A Booming Thanksgiving Tradition!
Eight years ago, a few North Star buddies decided that rather than undertake in the traditional “Turkey Bowl” football game, that they would tailor it to camp and play a speedball game instead. Eight years ago, there were about 14 or 15 people gathered to play in the snow.
Fast forward to present day, where on Friday we had over 60 current staff and alumni gather for the 8th Annual Wanegan Bowl speedball game. The morning after Thanksgiving, stuffed to the brim with Turkey and sweet potato casserole, we had a four-team tournament of epic proportions at Brickyard Park in Deerfield. The participants went back over 25 years at North Star, and all ages.
It is very cool to see many generations of North Star guys get together for this still growing tradition. It speaks to the power of that camp bond that many of these guys have never met one another, but the common thread of being a “North Star guy” brings them together the day after Thanksgiving for a great sporting event. And in true North Star fashion, the most important part of the event…lunch at Michael’s afterwards!