Cruiser Day All the Way
We have received nearly all of the Covid-19 test results, and every one so far has tested negative. Covid-19 can present for up to 2-weeks after exposure to Sars-CoV-2, which is why the two-week cabin quarantine remains in place, but this first round of testing is a strong positive indicator. We will continue to proceed as though covid-19 is here and our protocols remain in place until we have cleared a second round of testing at the 14-day mark. I know that it was challenging to make the quarantine period work prior to camp, but I just want to again thank you for your part in protecting our camp community.
Tuesdays at camp are Cruiser Days, which in some ways is like our camp weekend. It is a day for each cabin to do fun, unique activities at a different pace than the normal days. All cabin counselors stay with their campers at all times throughout the day and there are no counselor days off on Tuesdays so everyone can be together. Cabin groups had the chance to sign up for specific activities they wanted to do throughout the day, and followed that schedule from morning to night. We kicked off the day with freshly baked donuts and cereal for breakfast, and campers had the opportunity to clean up their cabin before starting their first activity of the day.
In a normal summer campers can go to one of the resorts on the lake to get a candy bar or a soda on Cruiser Day, but this year is different. Instead of going to the resort Musky Run across from swim point, we instead created “Musky Fun,” a pontoon boat in the lake where a couple of our staff are sitting with candy and sodas for the campers. We also offered sponge fights today, after which one of our campers exclaimed, “this is my new favorite activity!” We cut sponges into strips, tied them together, and let the campers dip them in buckets of water before throwing them at their cabinmates. Tubing is always a fan favorite for Cruiser Day, as is swim point, and with such warm temperatures today, the lake felt like a bath. And our J-6 boys decided that they would cool themselves down by rolling in the mud as well!

Dinner was what we call tin foil surprise. Campers butter up a piece of tin foil and mix in meat, potatoes, and carrots and onions, and cook their meal over a campfire. This is a nice way to wind down from a long day of activities, and it’s an extra excuse to eat s’mores for dessert! There’s something about campfires that really help calm the boys down before bed, especially with good company. Some of the older boys even squeezed in an extra activity after dinner before showers and bedtime!
Tomorrow will function as a “normal” camp day, though we are well aware “normal” doesn’t really exist at a place like camp. And that’s exactly how we plan to keep it!
If you haven’t seen it, check out our 4th of July Highlight Video!
Chairs Up,