We all knew that second session would get off to a hot start, but we didn’t know it would be so literal! The sun has been shining bright and the temperatures have cracked 90 as we have rolled through a very exciting start to the session. Before the boys went to bed on their first full day at camp, here’s what they had accomplished:
– Unpacking and Tours
– Challenge Games
– Cabin Candlelight Ceremony
– Swim Tests
– Health Checks
– Village Activities/Continuous Dodgeball
– The 1st Organized Free of the Summer
– The Opening Banquet
– All-Capture the Flag
And that was just Day 1!
While there are many things that we have to take care of at the beginning of a session, we make sure that we get right into the program. Starting today, we we’re off with our regular program. On the opening night, the boys picked their activities for the week, and today each camper started his own set of three activities. Each of the projects that he selected he will participate in for one hour and fifteen minutes each day for three days. After that, he will switch to his second set of activities for the following three days. Here’s a
Sample Schedule for one camper.
But those are just the first three periods of
a Typical Day. Fourth period was challenge games today, which gave each cabin the opportunity to challenge another group to a sport or game. After an explanation on North Star’s philosophy on competition, we had games of softball, kickball, football, basketball, and of course dodgeball going on all around camp.
Our final daytime period was our Organized Free Period, a structured free period when most of our program areas are open to the campers. During this time our entire waterfront is open and there are additional

“pickup” athletic games for campers to participate in. On a hot day like today, most guys chose to go swimming, jump on the water trampoline, go fun-bugging or sailing, or even run through the sprinklers on the athletic fields. Our always creative staff came up with games that they could play while running through the sprinklers too!
And lastly, our evening program tonight was our staff show. Our guys utilized several creative skits and games to introduce the whole staff to all of our campers. Not only is this an opportunity to show off the energy and talents of our staff, it is vital that our campers know that they have a wonderful group of counselors that are there for them to help any camper through any issues he may have. That is a message that the campers have heard a lot of over the past few days, and it was reiterated tonight.
In addition to the regular program getting started at camp, our tripping program is now underway as well. Cabins S-1 and S-2 left today on their 5-day hiking trip through the Porcupine Mountains. Cabin S-3 got started on the Brule River and S-4 will head out tomorrow. Camp is in full swing now and we are so thrilled to have this great group of campers and staff here with us!