Staff Spotlight – Ethan Handler

Ethan returns for his sixth summer at camp. He’ll instruct tennis and climbing
More About Ethan
Favorite Tombstone pizza type: cheese
Favorite project at camp (that you don’t necessarily instruct): ultimate frisbee
Your three favorite movies of all time: The Incredibles, Psycho, Breakfast Club
Preferred wanegan offering: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
Best evening program at camp: Glenn’s Game
Favorite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny
Favorite camp (card) game: Euchre
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?: Roger Federer, Tina Fey
What is your dream job: World-renowned chef and baker
A little known fact about yourself: This may be my 6th year as a camper/CIT, but my first year at North Star was 1998 (when I was a year old), when my dad was camp doctor.