Staff Spotlight: Kyle Beecher

Favorite TV show: Its a toss up between Top Gear and almost anything on the Science Channel
Best place you’ve ever traveled to: South Island of New Zealand
Sports team(s) that you root for: Manchester United and Chicago Bulls
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply: I use to work for an outdoor store in Chicago where I would outfit the
campers of NSC for the summer. I applied to North Star because I knew
it would give me the opportunity to do what I love, be in the outdoors
and share my skills and knowledge with the youth.
What did you do last summer: I spent the summer backpacking on the Colorado Trail and ascending
14ers. Also spent some time sport climbing in Boulder Canyon and Clear
Creak Canyon.
What noteworthy/menial/random job(s) have you previously held: I sold sweet corn from a trailer on the side of the road in a really small town outside of Lafayette, IN.
What, if any previous camp experiences have you had: When I lived in Georgia, I attended a camp for a few years offered thru the YMCA.
If you had a super hero power, what would it be: Super human strength
Best Christmas present that you’ve ever gotten: ENO Doublenest Hammock
Preferred chicken nugget dip: Honey mustard