The Siren: July 9, 2023
Today was our 79th United Nations Day! We’ll skip to the ending, where the difference between first and second place was only 2 points after a day where over 800-points were awarded to the four teams. It was an incredible day!
We woke up early to get a jump start on the day, and after breakfast headed to the hill for our Opening Ceremonies. The excitement was obvious from the start of the day. The four teams, all decked out in their team colors, started off the event by singing their first cheers. Then, our captains proudly carried the torch from the Council Ring all the way to the flagpole, where they lit the cauldron. It was such a symbolic moment, representing unity and strength. Next, Shay took the stage and presented the UN Day scroll, which was originally written by Jack Weiner in the 1950s. This scroll declares that here at North Star, this day shall be celebrated as our United Nations Day, and we shall participate as good sports, good teammates, and good friends. It serves as a reminder of how we want to carry ourselves, even when in the heat of competition. Finally, the captains signed the scroll, marking the official start of the games. And with that, the game began.
The 4 countries chosen for this year were Egypt, Finland, Laos and South Korea. The competition included a wide range of activities such as softball, speedball, football, basketball, curtain ball, 4-square, paddleboarding, steal the bacon, line soccer, climbing, archery, riflery, floor hockey, tush ball, dodgeball, and numerous others. The teams united for epic games of tug-of-war, and the afternoon ended with our swim meet. There were two series of events before lunch, and after lunch our staff played a game of speedball to determine the eating order for dinner. After speedball it was on to running relays and then the most thrilling ten minutes of the day: Tug-Of-War. First it was an all-camper tug of war for each team, and then an all-staff tug of war with everyone cheering on their team.
UN Day dinner is one of the best meals of the summer: a smorgasbord of food from around the world including spaghetti and meatballs, deviled eggs, mozzarella sticks, chicken dip, macaroni and cheese bites, and ice cream for dessert. The night ended with an extended closing ceremony featuring more songs and cheers, plus several interruptions and stalling tactics prior to reading the final scores, in which Finland edged out Laos.
The boundless enthusiasm of our captains, advisors, and entire staff on UN Day spread like wildfire, guaranteeing an extraordinary day for everyone at camp. From the fun paint and outfits to the dedicated hours spent crafting spirited cheers, from the uplifting and supportive coaching to the silliness, all of these contributions from our staff made it possible for each of the four teams to declare, “We had the most fun!” It makes me so proud to see our campers out competing their hardest without losing sight of their kindness.
Today’s Grace:
– Pierre de Coubertin
“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”