2018 Staff Spotlight – Fanni Sereg

More about Fanni
My favorite camp meal:
– cinnamon rolls!! Those are sooooo good!
If you could be any animal (besides a human), what would you be and why?
– I’d love to be a Bunny just cause they’re so cute ( and I also have a bunny Gömbi)
What is your guilty pleasure tv show(s):
– Pretty little liars
Where is your favorite spot at camp:
– My favorite spot at camp is definitely the swimming point
What is your dream Job:
– My dream job is to be the owner of a flower and coffee shop where you can leave your pets and I can take care of them until you get back
If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
– My Grandpa- I miss him so much, Ellen Degeneres- She’s just so funny!
What is the best Christmas/Hanukkah present that you’ve ever gotten:
– My first dog!!
What are/were your favorite subjects in school:
– Psychology and Marketing
What are your top three movies of all time
– The Notebook, The greatest showman & Kingsman
What’s your go-to pie at the Norske Nook:
– strawberry sour cream
What sports teams do you root for:
– Hungarian water polo team
Share a random or little known fact about yourself:
– I talk to my Grandma every day on facebook