Our campers have been gone for over two weeks, but we still have a few items in the Lost & Found. Yes, campers lose things from time to time and we do our best to return them. Sometimes things don’t find homes and we want to give it one last shot before the items in our Lost & Found get donated to a local charity.
So… for the 2nd year, we have our Virtual Lost & Found. We’ve taken pics of items left behind and when those items are claimed, we package them up and send them home. This year, we have several baseball gloves as well as some clothing items, and hiking boots. You can check out the
Virtual Lost and Found here: http://on.fb.me/19Ytgvi

There is one item that we haven’t posted a picture… You’ll see on the Virtual Lost & Found a set of blue and black Soul headphones. They were found in a case with a few other items, including an iPod. We’re not picturing the iPod, but if this is yours (or your son’s), call us at 715-462-3254 or email
[email protected] or
[email protected], tell us what type and color iPod it was and we’ll send it home.
Check out the Virtual Lost & Found. Items not claimed by the end of the week will be donated to a local charity.