Staff News Update

our summer ended, our staff headed off in all directions. Some went
back to school, other began world travels. Here’s an update, so check
out what our 2014 staff are up to!
– JOE CHRISTIAN is a sophomore
at UW-Lacrosse where he is majoring in biology and joining ROTC program
in the Fall. Joe will be playing on his club lacrosse team as well.
SCOTT PLONSKER returned for his sophomore year at University of
Illinois, where he is in the AEPi fraternity with Jonah Baim and Sam
Friedland. Scott is studying business and is also in PGN, a business
– NED SHASHOUA is a freshman at Northwestern University
where he is studying chemistry. Before school started he traveled with
his dad to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas.
off to travel all around the US. He met his sister on the West Coast to
travel LA, Grand Canyon, and San Francisco. Than he’s headed to Orlando
to meet Alex Holmes and traveled the East Coast with him. He returned to
England, going back to school at the University of Hull for his Arts
and Humanities degree, and he will started back up with lifeguarding and
running his karate club.
– SAM BRICKER is a senior at Deerfield
High School where he is the President of the Student Council. Sam will
be playing tennis and going on a few college visits.
– ELI FRIED started as a freshman at the University of Central Florida where he will be studying Industrial Engineering.
– JACOB GUGGENHEIM started his PhD in Biorobotics at MIT. He headed to
DC for a week before moving to Boston. Jacob is planning on getting
onto an IM Ultimate Frisbee and volleyball teams.
– ARI WEIL is at
Pomona College where he is a freshman most likely studying International
Relations. He hopes to keep biking and play some ultimate frisbee as
– MIKE SLAKIS returned to the University of Illinois for his
sophomore year where he is studying civil engineering. He is in the
Sigma Nu fraternity and is the Kitchen Manager there. Mike is also in
Illini on Target, the shooting club at school. He plans to work at the
rock climbing wall.
– MICHAEL BERGER is a sophomore at American
University in Washington D.C, where he is studying political science and
journalist. He continued his involvement in Students Helping Honduras
as the director of recruitment, and will do a second trip there in the
– IAN MICHELSON is a senior at New Trier. He’ll continue to
play tennis to gear for up for the school season. He’s planning on going
to the US Open in New York.
– ADAM CLOCH is starting as a freshman at Miami of Ohio where he is in the business school. Cloch is looking forward to keeping his hockey skills fresh on the IM teams.
– HOLDEN GREENBERG began as freshman at Carleton College in Northfield,
MN. Holden wants to continue his interests in Ultimate Frisbee and
Shakespeare. Before heading off to school, he had a trip planned to
– JACK WALKER is in his sophomore year at the University of
Southern California where he will study English. Before he left for
school, he and his band the White Siberian Tigers played a few shows
scheduled around Chicago and Champaign.
– NOAH BROUTMAN is inhis junior year at Deerfield High School where he is on the bowling team, Earthworks, and the stage crew.
– FOREST LEMON returned to the University of Arkansas for his Junior
year, where he is studying mechanical engineering. Forest left from camp
to go with his family on a week-long trip through the Boundary Waters.
At school, he’s working as a lifeguard at the rec center on campus while
also rock climbing and doing IM football and softball.
LASKO is moving to Boston to start as a freshman at Tufts University,
after completing a gap year program in South America last year. Isaac is
planning to follow a pre-med track. Isaac left camp a few days early
and headed to Budapest and Berlin with his immediate family and a
reunion with his extended family.
– ETHAN LEVY is in Madison where
he will is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin. Ethan is planning
to do intramural sports.
– BRAD MILLER is back at University of
Wisconsin-Whitewater where he is a sophomore studying elementary
education. Brad is on the Lacrosse team, which travels around the
Midwest for tournaments.
– SPENCER REED is a senior at Loyola High
School in Los Angeles, where he is going the Features Editor for the
newspaper. Spencer is on the student council and the Crew team.
PHILIP RASANSKY began his freshman year at Dartmouth. Before he headed
to school, he helped his twin brother Parker move in at the University
of Texas in Austin.
– JACOB ZIONTS is entering his senior year at Highland Park High School where he is involved in DECA and the debate team.
– DANNY VERB returned to Tulane University for his sophomore year where
he is studying business and computer science. He is part of the Hillel
Leadership program and involved in his fraternity Zeta Psi.
KASS is a freshman at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. Chip is
studying economics and political science, and also hopes to keep up with
theater and music. Chip headed to San Francisco with his grandpa before
he left for school.
– JACOB BYCK is a senior year at Deerfield High
School. Jacob is involved in DECA and devoting himself to his fantasy
football team.
– NATHAN MARGRETT returned to school at University of
Wisconsin – Lacrosse where he is a junior studying archeology and
– MAX SINTON is a senior at Deerfield High School where
he will be participating in DECA and travel lacrosse. Fantasy football
will also take precedent over most matters throughout the Fall.
JONAH BAIM is back for his sophomore year at the University of Illinois
where his a computer engineering major. He is also the athletics head of
the AEPi fraternity and on the Illini volleyball team.
HANDLER is enjoying his senior year at at Glenbrook North High School.
Ethan will be playing a lot of tennis and is on the math team at GBN. He
is on the Student Advisory Board, and is also a Peer Group Leader under
the tutelage of Linda Rosenblum (the daughter of Lou and Renee
Rosenblum, who founded North Star).
– ZACH WEBER is a junior at
Roycemore Academy. Zach continued teaching climbing in Evanston and
Chicago. His family is planning a trip to Asia.
senior at Highland Park High School. David is on the school sailing team
and continues to play the piano as well.
at Bradley University for his final college semester. In December, DJ
will graduate with a degree in Interactive Media with a minor in
computer science, and is looking to design the next great Disney movie.
– ZACH SHAPIRO is in his junior year and Francis W. Parker School. Zach
is playing shows through School of Rock and is participating in Model
– CHARLIE STERRETT returned to the University of Illinois for
his junior year. Charlie is studying political science. He is also the
president of his fraternity Delta Chi and is a data analysis intern at
the U of I Alumni Association. Charlie is also the co-chair of iHelp,
the service wing of the Alumni Association. Charlie is looking forward
to competing in the Big Ten Classic Bass Fishing Tournament in October.
– MAX PASTAN is a junior at Proctor Academy. Max is going to be
involved in their chapter of Future Business Leaders of America. After
camp he headed to Arkansas to do some community service work with Kipp
Academy. Max also played soccer in the Fall.
returned to Western Illinois University where is a junior studying
information systems and economics. He will continue on the bass fishing
team and is now the web coordinator of the team.
senior at Parker, and is working the Illinois gubernatorial campaign.
Daniel is the copy editor of the school newspaper as well as a writer.
This fall Daniel kept playing tennis as well, preparing for the school
season in the spring.
– ETHAN RANE is a junior at Stevenson, where he is part of the ultimate frisbee club and
intramurals as well.
– ELLIOTT GOLDBERG is a junior at New Trier High School, where he is involved in the Track and Cross Country teams.
– BIRCAN MUSTAFA traveled to Indianapolis and Chicago after camp. He
was hoping to check out Los Angeles as well. Upon returning home, Bircan
began working towards becoming a quadrant supervisor at Wembley
Stadium. He also was able to take in the Falcons-Lions NFL game in
– SAM FRIEDLAND returned for his sophomore year at the
University of Illinois, where he is living in the AEPi fraternity with
Scott Plonsker and Jonah Baim. Sam is the philanthropy chair of AEPi
while training for a half-marathon. Sam is writing for the satire
newspaper on campus.
– AMANDA CHIN heading back home to Columbus, OH
to spend a few weeks with her family. She is now working as a nurse in
– CHAD PRATER moved to Minneapolis where he is
teaching at the Twin Cities German Immersion School. Chad is teaching
middle school math.
– CAITLIN PALGEN is in her senior year at the
University of Illinois where she is studying nursing. At school, Caitlin
spends her free time at the rock wall and is also hoping to work in a
hospital at the same time.
– ROBYN KIRK is in Cincinnati where she
is a teacher at Ohio Valley Voices. Before heading back, she stopped in
Minneapolis to reunite with some old friends.
junior at New Trier where he is a pole vaulter on the track team. In his
free time he likes to spend time with his friends, play music and play
– MICHAEL PALGEN is a junior at the University of
Illinois where he is studying actuarial science. Michael is the
brotherhood chair for Sigma Nu and is working as a desk clerk in one of
the residence halls on campus.
– JACOB LEHR is back at USC where he
is a junior studying economics and international relations. Lehr Bear is
leading trips for the Outdoor Adventures club at school. Jacob will
continue to tutor and mentor through Troy Camp.
– NICK HILL is back
at Indiana University, finishing his degree in Business and Outdoor
Recreation. Nick will be finishing in December and is hoping to lead
trips through the spring.
– JEFF PADESKY is in his senior year at
Western Illinois University where he is studying Environmental Science,
Geography and GIS. Jeff will also be running track, a member of the bass
fishing team, and the ultimate frisbee team. Jeff is also beginning the
WIU Hydroponics club.
– RICHELLE POISSON is back at American
University for her sophomore year where she is studying education as
well as Spanish and international relations. Richelle will also be
continuing to work on behalf of Students Helping Honduras as executive
board member. In her free time she works as a nanny as well.
OLIVER ROCKMAN returned to Emory University in Atlanta for his junior
year where he is in the School of Business. Oliver is also a writer for
the Emory Wheel student newspaper and a member of the outdoor club.
NICK KASLE headed back to High Point, NC for his junior year at High
Point University where he is studying Physics. Nick is also on the club
swim team at school.
– LUCAS KASLE is a freshman at Muhlenberg
College in Allentown, PA, where he is following in his big brother’s
footsteps and is studying physics. Lucas also intends to be on the swim
club at school.
– STUART WRIGLESWORTH began his post-camp adventures
by heading to Houston where he met up with a friend from University.
After that, he headed up to Chicago, DC and New York. Stuart is in his
final year at Manchester Metropolitan University of Cheshire. He’ll is
the chairman of the rugby club and also of the surf and snow society.
– ALEX HOLMES headed to Chicago where he stayed with his co-counselors
Ike Nierman and Ian Michelson. From Chicago he headed to Champaign to
visit the University of lllinois, and then he flew south to Orlando.
After Orlando, Alex traveled to New York, Niagara Falls, and Washington
DC. In September, Alex left the US for Hong Kong where he will is
working for several months teaching personal development and outdoor
education for kids.
– WILL HUNT – will be going to meet his parents
in San Francisco and will be heading up to Yosemite as well. Then he
will return home and volunteer at three different schools. Following
that, he hopes to head to Africa where will lead a volunteer effort to
teach youth sports.
– CHRIS McGARRY headed to New Orleans for a week
to see his dad and show Beata the French Quarter. He then returned home
to Davie, FL.
CIARAN POLLOCK returned to Ireland where he traied for a charity boxing
match. He started school back up again where he is studying Sports
Management and Coaching.
– STRATTON SHOOK took a road trip to
Seattle to visit his parents and see the Nationals play the
Then he attended a bachelor party for his high school friend. He is now
traveling the world with Chris Rodriguez, first heading to China and
then Vietnam.
– CHRIS RODRIGUEZ – stayed on at camp for a few weeks
to help close up and do some improvements, before he headed back to Fort
Worth to spend some time with his family and his new baby nephew. He’s
in the midst of travels with tripper Stratton in Asia.
TAKACOVA – is returned to Slovakia where she recently graduated from her
university with a degree in English and French. She is hoping to work
as a translator working to translate poetry with one of her professors.
– DANI VARGAS MONTERO returned to Pachuca in Hidalgo, Mexico where she
is finishing up her schooling in Culinary Arts. Dani will be travelling
to Playa del Carmen to work during her vacation.
at UW-Lacrosse where he is majoring in biology and joining ROTC program
in the Fall. Joe will be playing on his club lacrosse team as well.
SCOTT PLONSKER returned for his sophomore year at University of
Illinois, where he is in the AEPi fraternity with Jonah Baim and Sam
Friedland. Scott is studying business and is also in PGN, a business
– NED SHASHOUA is a freshman at Northwestern University
where he is studying chemistry. Before school started he traveled with
his dad to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas.
off to travel all around the US. He met his sister on the West Coast to
travel LA, Grand Canyon, and San Francisco. Than he’s headed to Orlando
to meet Alex Holmes and traveled the East Coast with him. He returned to
England, going back to school at the University of Hull for his Arts
and Humanities degree, and he will started back up with lifeguarding and
running his karate club.
– SAM BRICKER is a senior at Deerfield
High School where he is the President of the Student Council. Sam will
be playing tennis and going on a few college visits.
– ELI FRIED started as a freshman at the University of Central Florida where he will be studying Industrial Engineering.
– JACOB GUGGENHEIM started his PhD in Biorobotics at MIT. He headed to
DC for a week before moving to Boston. Jacob is planning on getting
onto an IM Ultimate Frisbee and volleyball teams.
– ARI WEIL is at
Pomona College where he is a freshman most likely studying International
Relations. He hopes to keep biking and play some ultimate frisbee as
– MIKE SLAKIS returned to the University of Illinois for his
sophomore year where he is studying civil engineering. He is in the
Sigma Nu fraternity and is the Kitchen Manager there. Mike is also in
Illini on Target, the shooting club at school. He plans to work at the
rock climbing wall.
– MICHAEL BERGER is a sophomore at American
University in Washington D.C, where he is studying political science and
journalist. He continued his involvement in Students Helping Honduras
as the director of recruitment, and will do a second trip there in the

– IAN MICHELSON is a senior at New Trier. He’ll continue to
play tennis to gear for up for the school season. He’s planning on going
to the US Open in New York.
– ADAM CLOCH is starting as a freshman at Miami of Ohio where he is in the business school. Cloch is looking forward to keeping his hockey skills fresh on the IM teams.
– HOLDEN GREENBERG began as freshman at Carleton College in Northfield,
MN. Holden wants to continue his interests in Ultimate Frisbee and
Shakespeare. Before heading off to school, he had a trip planned to
– JACK WALKER is in his sophomore year at the University of
Southern California where he will study English. Before he left for
school, he and his band the White Siberian Tigers played a few shows
scheduled around Chicago and Champaign.
– NOAH BROUTMAN is inhis junior year at Deerfield High School where he is on the bowling team, Earthworks, and the stage crew.
– FOREST LEMON returned to the University of Arkansas for his Junior
year, where he is studying mechanical engineering. Forest left from camp
to go with his family on a week-long trip through the Boundary Waters.
At school, he’s working as a lifeguard at the rec center on campus while
also rock climbing and doing IM football and softball.
LASKO is moving to Boston to start as a freshman at Tufts University,
after completing a gap year program in South America last year. Isaac is
planning to follow a pre-med track. Isaac left camp a few days early
and headed to Budapest and Berlin with his immediate family and a
reunion with his extended family.
– ETHAN LEVY is in Madison where
he will is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin. Ethan is planning
to do intramural sports.
– BRAD MILLER is back at University of
Wisconsin-Whitewater where he is a sophomore studying elementary
education. Brad is on the Lacrosse team, which travels around the
Midwest for tournaments.
– SPENCER REED is a senior at Loyola High
School in Los Angeles, where he is going the Features Editor for the
newspaper. Spencer is on the student council and the Crew team.
PHILIP RASANSKY began his freshman year at Dartmouth. Before he headed
to school, he helped his twin brother Parker move in at the University
of Texas in Austin.
– JACOB ZIONTS is entering his senior year at Highland Park High School where he is involved in DECA and the debate team.
– DANNY VERB returned to Tulane University for his sophomore year where
he is studying business and computer science. He is part of the Hillel
Leadership program and involved in his fraternity Zeta Psi.
KASS is a freshman at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. Chip is
studying economics and political science, and also hopes to keep up with
theater and music. Chip headed to San Francisco with his grandpa before
he left for school.
– JACOB BYCK is a senior year at Deerfield High
School. Jacob is involved in DECA and devoting himself to his fantasy
football team.
– NATHAN MARGRETT returned to school at University of
Wisconsin – Lacrosse where he is a junior studying archeology and
– MAX SINTON is a senior at Deerfield High School where
he will be participating in DECA and travel lacrosse. Fantasy football
will also take precedent over most matters throughout the Fall.
JONAH BAIM is back for his sophomore year at the University of Illinois
where his a computer engineering major. He is also the athletics head of
the AEPi fraternity and on the Illini volleyball team.

HANDLER is enjoying his senior year at at Glenbrook North High School.
Ethan will be playing a lot of tennis and is on the math team at GBN. He
is on the Student Advisory Board, and is also a Peer Group Leader under
the tutelage of Linda Rosenblum (the daughter of Lou and Renee
Rosenblum, who founded North Star).
– ZACH WEBER is a junior at
Roycemore Academy. Zach continued teaching climbing in Evanston and
Chicago. His family is planning a trip to Asia.
senior at Highland Park High School. David is on the school sailing team
and continues to play the piano as well.
at Bradley University for his final college semester. In December, DJ
will graduate with a degree in Interactive Media with a minor in
computer science, and is looking to design the next great Disney movie.
– ZACH SHAPIRO is in his junior year and Francis W. Parker School. Zach
is playing shows through School of Rock and is participating in Model
– CHARLIE STERRETT returned to the University of Illinois for
his junior year. Charlie is studying political science. He is also the
president of his fraternity Delta Chi and is a data analysis intern at
the U of I Alumni Association. Charlie is also the co-chair of iHelp,
the service wing of the Alumni Association. Charlie is looking forward
to competing in the Big Ten Classic Bass Fishing Tournament in October.
– MAX PASTAN is a junior at Proctor Academy. Max is going to be
involved in their chapter of Future Business Leaders of America. After
camp he headed to Arkansas to do some community service work with Kipp
Academy. Max also played soccer in the Fall.
returned to Western Illinois University where is a junior studying
information systems and economics. He will continue on the bass fishing
team and is now the web coordinator of the team.
senior at Parker, and is working the Illinois gubernatorial campaign.
Daniel is the copy editor of the school newspaper as well as a writer.
This fall Daniel kept playing tennis as well, preparing for the school
season in the spring.
– ETHAN RANE is a junior at Stevenson, where he is part of the ultimate frisbee club and

– ELLIOTT GOLDBERG is a junior at New Trier High School, where he is involved in the Track and Cross Country teams.
– BIRCAN MUSTAFA traveled to Indianapolis and Chicago after camp. He
was hoping to check out Los Angeles as well. Upon returning home, Bircan
began working towards becoming a quadrant supervisor at Wembley
Stadium. He also was able to take in the Falcons-Lions NFL game in
– SAM FRIEDLAND returned for his sophomore year at the
University of Illinois, where he is living in the AEPi fraternity with
Scott Plonsker and Jonah Baim. Sam is the philanthropy chair of AEPi
while training for a half-marathon. Sam is writing for the satire
newspaper on campus.
– AMANDA CHIN heading back home to Columbus, OH
to spend a few weeks with her family. She is now working as a nurse in
– CHAD PRATER moved to Minneapolis where he is
teaching at the Twin Cities German Immersion School. Chad is teaching
middle school math.
– CAITLIN PALGEN is in her senior year at the
University of Illinois where she is studying nursing. At school, Caitlin
spends her free time at the rock wall and is also hoping to work in a
hospital at the same time.
– ROBYN KIRK is in Cincinnati where she
is a teacher at Ohio Valley Voices. Before heading back, she stopped in
Minneapolis to reunite with some old friends.
junior at New Trier where he is a pole vaulter on the track team. In his
free time he likes to spend time with his friends, play music and play
– MICHAEL PALGEN is a junior at the University of
Illinois where he is studying actuarial science. Michael is the
brotherhood chair for Sigma Nu and is working as a desk clerk in one of
the residence halls on campus.
– JACOB LEHR is back at USC where he
is a junior studying economics and international relations. Lehr Bear is
leading trips for the Outdoor Adventures club at school. Jacob will
continue to tutor and mentor through Troy Camp.
– NICK HILL is back
at Indiana University, finishing his degree in Business and Outdoor
Recreation. Nick will be finishing in December and is hoping to lead
trips through the spring.
– JEFF PADESKY is in his senior year at
Western Illinois University where he is studying Environmental Science,
Geography and GIS. Jeff will also be running track, a member of the bass
fishing team, and the ultimate frisbee team. Jeff is also beginning the
WIU Hydroponics club.
– RICHELLE POISSON is back at American
University for her sophomore year where she is studying education as
well as Spanish and international relations. Richelle will also be
continuing to work on behalf of Students Helping Honduras as executive
board member. In her free time she works as a nanny as well.
OLIVER ROCKMAN returned to Emory University in Atlanta for his junior
year where he is in the School of Business. Oliver is also a writer for
the Emory Wheel student newspaper and a member of the outdoor club.
NICK KASLE headed back to High Point, NC for his junior year at High
Point University where he is studying Physics. Nick is also on the club
swim team at school.
– LUCAS KASLE is a freshman at Muhlenberg
College in Allentown, PA, where he is following in his big brother’s
footsteps and is studying physics. Lucas also intends to be on the swim
club at school.
– STUART WRIGLESWORTH began his post-camp adventures
by heading to Houston where he met up with a friend from University.
After that, he headed up to Chicago, DC and New York. Stuart is in his
final year at Manchester Metropolitan University of Cheshire. He’ll is
the chairman of the rugby club and also of the surf and snow society.
– ALEX HOLMES headed to Chicago where he stayed with his co-counselors
Ike Nierman and Ian Michelson. From Chicago he headed to Champaign to
visit the University of lllinois, and then he flew south to Orlando.
After Orlando, Alex traveled to New York, Niagara Falls, and Washington
DC. In September, Alex left the US for Hong Kong where he will is
working for several months teaching personal development and outdoor
education for kids.
– WILL HUNT – will be going to meet his parents
in San Francisco and will be heading up to Yosemite as well. Then he
will return home and volunteer at three different schools. Following
that, he hopes to head to Africa where will lead a volunteer effort to
teach youth sports.
– CHRIS McGARRY headed to New Orleans for a week
to see his dad and show Beata the French Quarter. He then returned home
to Davie, FL.
CIARAN POLLOCK returned to Ireland where he traied for a charity boxing
match. He started school back up again where he is studying Sports
Management and Coaching.
– STRATTON SHOOK took a road trip to
Seattle to visit his parents and see the Nationals play the

Then he attended a bachelor party for his high school friend. He is now
traveling the world with Chris Rodriguez, first heading to China and
then Vietnam.
– CHRIS RODRIGUEZ – stayed on at camp for a few weeks
to help close up and do some improvements, before he headed back to Fort
Worth to spend some time with his family and his new baby nephew. He’s
in the midst of travels with tripper Stratton in Asia.
TAKACOVA – is returned to Slovakia where she recently graduated from her
university with a degree in English and French. She is hoping to work
as a translator working to translate poetry with one of her professors.
– DANI VARGAS MONTERO returned to Pachuca in Hidalgo, Mexico where she
is finishing up her schooling in Culinary Arts. Dani will be travelling
to Playa del Carmen to work during her vacation.