Staff Spotlight – Bryan Matern

Bryan played varsity basketball in high school. He participated in lots of basketball training growing up and also worked at a basketball camp. Bryan played basketball until having hip surgery, which ultimately had let him to wanting to help others by becoming a physical therapist.
More About Bryan
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?
– I’ve always had good experiences with the job fairs at my college. So once I saw a flyer for a summer camp job fair I thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Once I was there, I thought the name North Star was really a good name for a camp and enjoyed the symbol for pointing kids in a good direction. I also liked Dan’s red windbreaker.
What is your dream job?
– In a few years I’m hoping to become a pediatric physical therapist. I had two hip surgeries in high school, and ever since going through about a year of physical therapy for that I’ve had quite an emotional attachment to the idea of myself in that job.
– In a few years I’m hoping to become a pediatric physical therapist. I had two hip surgeries in high school, and ever since going through about a year of physical therapy for that I’ve had quite an emotional attachment to the idea of myself in that job.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
– Edward Norton (actor), and Aristotle. Probably would be pretty interesting to have them in the same room.
– Edward Norton (actor), and Aristotle. Probably would be pretty interesting to have them in the same room.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
– I’ve never been to an Asian or European country, so I would be super excited to go to any one of those with my friends. Once there I would probably spend my time sinking in all the culture, museums, and food I could take in before having to leave.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring?
– I would probably bring a sand shovel, a sand bucket, and a beach towel.
– I would probably bring a sand shovel, a sand bucket, and a beach towel.

– I go to college at Indiana University, so definitely most of the Hoosier sports. (Sorry, Honey Badgers)
What noteworthy/random/menial jobs have you held?
– My first job was working in the meat freezer at a supermarket. Thankfully it was during the summer season.
What did you do last summer?
– Honestly I spent a lot of time in the library last summer. I wanted to take the opportunity of extra time to focus on learning, so I spent about half of my time reading and the other half volunteering at the local library as a book page.
– Honestly I spent a lot of time in the library last summer. I wanted to take the opportunity of extra time to focus on learning, so I spent about half of my time reading and the other half volunteering at the local library as a book page.
What, if any previous camp/outdoor experiences have you had?
– I’ve spent a lot of time coaching and organizing basketball camps for kids from my hometown, as well as playing oogles of basketball myself. So, I guess that’s probably why I’m so excited to share what I have a passion for with other people and spend time forming rewarding camp relationships!
– I’ve spent a lot of time coaching and organizing basketball camps for kids from my hometown, as well as playing oogles of basketball myself. So, I guess that’s probably why I’m so excited to share what I have a passion for with other people and spend time forming rewarding camp relationships!