Caleb Brown returns to North Star for his second summer. After a one year absence, Caleb will join the NSC trip staff as one of our trip leaders. A resident of Rock Hill, SC, Caleb is currently a graduate student at Winthrop University. There he is getting his Masters of Art in teaching. He is also a graduate assistant there.
Caleb has always been an avid camper. He’s gone on extensive hikes and canoes, and after the summer of 2013, he and NSC trip leader Stratton Shook headed out west for a road trip that involved some great hiking out in Wyoming. Caleb has worked at a few other camps, including special needs camps and camps for kids with cancer. We’re excited to have him return to the NSC staff
More about CalebIf you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring?
– If I were stranded on a deserted island I would bring my knife, my kindle, and a solar charger. First off a knife is just necessary in any survival situation. If I stand any chance of building a raft like Tom Hanks in Castaway, I’m going to need that knife. A kindle on the other hand serves no practical use in the woods. That’s ok though because I really like to read. An unlimited supply of books would be useful on the deserted island as I would have a lot of time to read them. Lastly, we have the solar charger. The solar charger is to power the kindle, as well as serve other purposes. I imagine if I were to take apart the solar charger I could figure out how to use the energy to establish my own resort on said island.
What is your favorite spot at camp?
– My favorite spot at camp without a doubt is the lodge. The lodge is my favorite place on campus because it is the central iconic camp wide meeting place. I like the lodge because it brings all of camp together. The building itself also represents tradition and commitment to a great summer and great lifelong friend ships.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
– I would have lunch with both Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. Being a history major I thoroughly enjoy studying the American Presidents. I would love to sit down with FDR and Teddy Roosevelt for lunch just to see how they treated each other. I like them both for different reasons, but I would also like to see them duke it out in a debate.
What sports team(s) that you root for?
– First and foremost I LOVE the University of South Carolina Gamecocks. This is my hometown team and will forever be my favorite. When it comes to professional football I like the Carolina Panthers. Basketball the Charlotte Hornets, and soccer Everton Football Club
What is your favorite special program at camp?
– My favorite special program at camp is the Key Log ceremony. The Key Log ceremony is simply what camp is about. Campers and counselors alike come together to celebrate the spirit of camp. There is nothing more livelily.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
Caleb showing off his balance at Lumberjack Bowl |
– If I could travel anywhere in the World I would travel across India in order to see the Taj Mahal and eventually cross into the Himalayas and Tibet. Both the scenery and culture fascinate me. I firmly believe that travel is the best way to learn.
What’s your go-to pie at the Norske Nook?
– I usually keep it old-fashioned and stick with some sort of berry pie. Blueberry if they have it. Matter of fact my stomach is rumbling just thinking about it now.
Best holiday gift that you’ve ever gotten?
– This has to be my Drum-set. My parents bought me my acoustic drum-set when I was 12 years old. Since then I have added new pieces, but the sound remains the same. My parents really encouraged my music and gave me the resources necessary to learn. It sincerely is the gift that keeps on giving.
How has camp impacted you?
– Camp has impacted me by allowing me to learn how to freely adapt. It is hard to bring a wide variety of people together to one place when they all have different backgrounds. This is what makes camp so special. It brings so many people together. This has reaffirmed the lesson of teamwork. I want to be the best I can be by working with my peers.