Staff Spotlight – Caleb Brown

Your three favorite movies of all time:
My favorite movie of all time is the “Lion King” I love the dynamic
dialogue, amazing musical pieces, and most importantly the bond shared
between Simba and Mustapha “Father and Son” As for other movies I am
also a great fan of the King’s Speech, and Star Trek into Darkness. I
thoroughly enjoyed the King’s Speech because it showed a mans adversity
when dealing with public criticism, while being in the spotlight! I love
Star Trek because I enjoy Science Fiction stories and space travel. In
my dream world “Star-Fleet” would exists, and I would be standing on the
bridge of the U.S.S Enterprise right next to Captain Kirk!
What is your dream job:
My goal in life is to start my own non-profit, which would bring
sustainable living, and musical instruments to disenfranchised youth
around the world. However; if I had to work for any company or
organization I would love to be a United Nations adviser and Peace
Keeper. I have many friends who have traveled through and come from
other nations around the world, which are not as fortunate to have the
freedoms we do in the United States. To make a long story short I
essentially want to work a job where I come home after a long days work
knowing that I helped improve someone’s quality of life.
Best place you’ve ever traveled to:
This is a toss up between Paris France, London United Kingdom, and
Acadia National park in Maine. Being a history buff I loved slowly
pacing through the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles (Paris
France) Versailles is filled with diplomatic history, and has been the
site of many treaties regarding international conflicts. I thoroughly
enjoyed my travels through London because they allowed me to visit the
“Tower of London” Lastly I enjoyed my travels through Acadia, Maine
because I had never seen such beautiful natural formations. Backpacking
and hammocking under the stars in Acadia Maine to the sound of ocean
waves crashing against monstrous sea cliffs was the most energizing
sleep I have ever had in my life.
Favorite cartoon character:
My favorite cartoon character is “Jerry” from “Tom and Jerry” I have
always liked Jerry because he goes to prove that no matter how much
bigger your opponent is than you with a clever plan, and the appropriate
execution one can always outwit their opponent.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?:
I would love to have lunch with Franklin Delano Roosevelt simply to
discus politics, and grasp a firmer understanding of what life was like
in the “Great Depression” I would also love to sit down and have a chat
with Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack to brush up on my singing skills,
and suave appearance.
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?:
I learned about North Star after applying to another camp in Minnesota.
The other camp did not have any openings, so fortunately they passed my
information on to North Star. When Dan and Andy contacted me and told
me more about the summer program, I was excited about the opportunity of
working with such a great camp ground and staff. I applied because,
while Wisconsin is a long way from South Carolina my experience at North
Star will allow me to understand the experience of growing and living
in the Mid-west Great Lakes region of the United States.
What noteworthy/random/menial jobs have you held?:
Senatorial Page South Carolina State Senate. South Carolina DHEC Camp
Burnt Gin A summer camp for Special Needs Children in South Carolina.
Camp Kemo a summer program put on through the Childrens Hospital in
Columbia South Carolina, which serves children with battling cancer and
blood disorders. Camp Tapawingo a summer camp for girls in Sweden Maine.
What did you do last summer?: I worked at Camp Burnt Gin South Carolina’s camp for children with special needs.
What, if any previous camp experiences have you had?:
I have all of the previous camp experience listed above as well as
volunteer yearly with Palmetto Richland Health’s Camp “New Horizons” a
grief camp, which supports children who have lost a sibling to cancer of
a blood disorder!