Staff Spotlight – Danny Verb

Danny has been working at the Sachs Recreation Center as a swim instructor. He’s also been involved with his synagogue youth group. At DHS he’s been on the soccer and volleyball teams. At camp he’ll be instructing climbing and archery and we’ll make sure to get him playing some soccer and volleyball.
More About Danny
Favorite Tombstone pizza type: cheese with hot sauce on top
Favorite project at camp: Archery
Your three favorite movies of all time: Batman Begins, Cast Away and Shawshank Redemption
Preferred wanegan offering: I will always choose Reese’s cup for wanegan
Best evening program at camp: North Star ball is the best
Favorite cartoon character: Jerry from Tom and Jerry
Favorite camp (card) game: Euker(spelled wrong) is my favorite camp card game
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?: Bill Gates and FDR
What is your dream job: A patent lawyer for a large company
A little known fact about yourself: I learned how to solve a Rubik’s cube at camp my third summer.