Staff Spotlight – Mike Slakis

My hobbies include anything that will bring me into the outdoors. I love camping, fishing, hiking, climbing, shooting, biking, and water sports in general. At camp I’ll be instructing fishing and climbing.
More about Mike
What is your dream job
– My dream job would be to travel the world working for an engineering company designing buildings and bridges.
Your favorite TV character
– Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother.
A secret hobby or skill that you have?
– I can find a way to catch fish as long as I have fishing line, including making hooks from sticks, finding my own bait and making my own rod.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring?

How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?
-From Jeremy and Michael Palgen. I am in the same fraternity as them and I am also friends with their sister, Caitlin, from rock climbing at U of I. Jeremey is an old camp counselor, and Michael and Caitlin will be a returning to North Star this year. I applied to North Star because I love spending time with kids, I enjoy the outdoors, and I love teaching people. Though, my main interest came from the fact that the Palgens are some of the most genuine people I know, and if North Star is a family that the Palgens proudly say that they are a part of, than it must be quite a special place.
Favorite Sports Teams
– I am from Chicago, so my favorite sports teams are the Chicago Bears and Blackhawks.
What did you do last summer?
– I worked at a local Mobil Gas Station and took classes at a community college.
What, if any previous camp experiences have you had?
– I was a camper at the Grove.