Staff Spotlight – Nathan Margrett

In my down time I like to go on runs and hike the bluffs around campus, enjoying the awesome scenery that western Wisconsin offers. This will be my second summer at North Star and I am very excited to be returning! I look forward to teaching some awesome outdoor-related skills, including fire building, canoeing, and camp cooking.
More About Nathan
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring?
– A spool of fishing line, a comfortable pair of sandals, and a satellite phone to check up on my fantasy football team.
What is your favorite spot at camp?
– Either the end of the fishing piers early in the morning or the top of the climbing tower on a sunny afternoon.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
– In no particular order, I would love to have lunch with Stephen King to talk about all the brilliant books that he’s written and Dez Bryant to talk about the catch that he didn’t make.
What sports teams do you root for?
– I’m a born and raised Wisconsinite, cheering on the Packers and Badgers. Even the Brewers and Bucks get some hometown love…the Chicago-Milwaukee playoff series has been a fun one to watch this year!
What is your favorite special program at camp?
– Cruiser Days are always a blast. I have yet to find another time when it’s socially acceptable for me to run around dressed up as a golden snitch.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
– I’d love to spend a year living in Asia and working with a school or orphanage. I think it would be really impactful and a great adventure!
What’s your go-to pie at the Norske Nook?
– You can never go wrong with whatever fruit-related pie is fresh that day.
Best holiday gift that you’ve ever gotten?
– My younger sister was born on December 25th so I’m required to pick her; she says it’s a rule.
How has camp impacted you?
– It’s deepened my passion for working with youth and strangely enough it’s turned me into a consumer of massive amount of early morning coffee. Seems like a win win to me!