Staff Spotlight – Philip Rasansky

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring?
– Pocket-sized versions of Chris Rodriguez, Forest Lemon, and Nick Hill
What is your favorite spot at camp?
– Council Ring, no doubt.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
– Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs
What sports team(s) that you root for?
– Dallas Mavericks and Cowboys, Texas Rangers, Anything University of Texas and Anything Dartmouth
What is your favorite special program at camp?
– United Nations Day
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
– Pizza touring through Italy
What’s your go-to pie at the Norske Nook?
– Chocolate Peanut Butter
Best holiday gift that you’ve ever gotten?
– Sports Memorabilia
How has camp impacted you?
-I think it’s hard to quantify the impact North Star has had on my personality. My summers in the Northwoods of Wisconsin have become such a constant in my life that I don’t think there’s a part of me the North Star hasn’t touched, altered, or stamped. The values I have learned here—what it means to be a good friend, a good leader, and a good sport, among many—are ones that I continue to look for in myself and those with whom I surround myself.