Staff Spotlight – Wes Wehrle

More about Wes:
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?
– Dan found my email through the Disc Golf Club I run at OSU and sent me an email saying he was looking for someone to help teach disc golf. I applied because I was a camp counselor for a local camp in High School and I was not ready to give up the camp experience.
If you could be any animal (besides a human), what would you be and why?
– I would be a dog. Well, specifically my dog. Two meals a day, lots of space to run around and the neighbor dogs are friendly. I definitely envy his life sometimes.
What is your favorite cartoon Character:
– Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
What is your dream Job:
– I would love to be a singer or an artist. I have no musical or artistic talent but I love both and It seems like a really satisfying profession. Even if it was just enough talent to entertain myself that would still be alright with me. Realistically, I am enjoying my business classes and I’m excited to see where that takes me.
If you had a super hero power, what would it be:
– Shape shifting
What noteworthy/random/menial jobs have you held?
– Two of the fun ones are painting houses and working at an ice cream shop.
What are your top three movies of all time:
– In no particular order: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Forest Gump
What did you do last summer?
– This past summer I spent a lot of time working in the ice cream shop and playing disc golf. I explored the sand dunes of northern Michigan for a week with some friends and found a little time to go rock climbing.
What is a little Known fact about yourself:
– I grew up on a sheep farm and was an active participant in the 4-H livestock program.
What, if any previous camp/outdoor experiences have you had?
– I love to go hiking. There are a lot of great day hiking areas in Ohio such as Yellow Springs and Hocking Hills. I’ve also had the opportunity to climb in the Red River Gorge as well as do some bouldering in Hocking Hills and North Carolina. I look forward to many more outdoor adventures this summer!