Zach Weber returns to North Star for his ninth summer. A native of Chicago, he’s been doing quite a bit of traveling lately. He’s went to Park City, UT for a skiing trip with friends. In January he was in Costa Rica on a two week community service trip. While there he helped a mother with her new house, painting it. He also helped build her a pizza oven so she could start her own pizza business. In December he went to Hong Kong and Thailand for two week for winter break. His favorite part of the trip was the food in Thailand–very spicy, very good!
Zach is currently a junior in high school. Besides racking up frequent flyer miles he’s known for his climbing and fishing skills. At camp he’ll instruct those projects as well as disc golf and riflery. We’re excited to have Zach back at camp this summer!
More about Zach
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring?
– A fully-charged satellite phone, 100 gallons of pure drinking water and a fly fishing rod
What is your favorite spot at camp?
– I personally like the lost campsites along the ridge.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
– Leonardo Da Vinci and Warren Buffet
What sports team(s) that you root for?
– Chicago Cubs, Bears, Hawks, (pretty much every Chicago team other than the White Sox.)
What is your favorite special program at camp?
– Organized free, although I do like Espionage.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
– Iceland to fly fish its rivers and see glaciers.
What’s your go-to pie at the Norske Nook?
– Strawberry Rhubarb–hands down.
Best holiday gift that you’ve ever gotten?
– My mom once took me to New York with one of my best friends for a few days as a belated Hanukkah present. That was pretty fun!
How has camp impacted you?
– Camp has impacted me in several ways–too many to count so I’ll just list a few of them: It has given me the ability to know how to interact in a mature setting with other people my age, camp has taught me life-long skills such; skills such as a new sport, how to overcome obstacles, and how to execute a leadership role. In addition, North Star has given me life-long friendships with campers and counselors all across the world–which I think is pretty awesome. Camp has made me excel in sports such as rock climbing, disc golf, and even sailing and has given me access to a diverse variety of countless others. North Star for me is a resource; a resource in which I use to choose how my summer will be spent, and ultimately, what experience I can take away from it.
Zach on the Canadian |