Staff Spotlight – Mike Storms
North Star is lucky to have Mike Storms back at camp once again this summer. This will be his 22nd summer as our resident tennis pro. Each year his private lessons are in high demand, and this year, when we opened up sign-ups, we had a waiting list after six minutes due to the loyal following that Mike has built up. His private tennis lessons are much more than a skill development session, they’re life lessons and you’ll never walk by one of his lessons and not see a guy having a great day.
– I have been on an island all by myself, and am returning this year. I’ll bring
What is your favorite spot at camp?
– Favorite spots at camp are many; choosing one is tough..I’ll go with the council ring as it
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
– Well, I’ve read a lot of both of these guys, and I’d enjoy learning as much as possible
– I don’t really follow pro or college sports, so I can honestly say all the teams/countries/tribes at camp!
What is your favorite special program at camp?
How has camp impacted you?
– Camp gives me a place on Earth to get as close as possible to the
way things should be: Happy, safe, outdoors, friends all around and
stars at night. So, camp’s impact, over 20 years, has been having this
happy place to look forward to, year after year!